Thursday, January 11, 2018

Week 19-The Wreck of the Unvelievable-Visual Art CDE

Week 19

Thursday-7th Grade Standard 3.  Invent and Discover to Create

2.  Restructure and apply the technical skills and processes required to achieve desired results in producing works or art

A.  Create works of art from observation, photographs, and stored mental images.

Objective:  Students will create thumbnail sketches inspired by the artwork of Damien Hirst.

"So what did Hirst actually do?  Well, he created a narrative of a shipwreck, a shipwreck from a treasure ship called the Apistos (literally meaning "the Unbelievable", that sunk 2,000 years ago, but was discovered at the bottom of the sea in 2008 off the coast of Africa.  Already, you have to get yourself into a mindset that Hirst's wants you to suspend belief a bit, and the fact that it took him 10 years to do this project means he put a lot at stake that the audience, critics, and collectors would suspend belief with him.  But as "staged" images of the treasures began showing up on social media, and when the unveiling of the works showed up this weekend in Venice, it was definitely Hirst at his finest as both storyteller and provocateur.  From sculptures to photography, to Hirst's signature style of placing what appears to be the most mundane of objects in a vitrine to confuse and comment on what it is we deem as an art object, are all here.  And for that, it's a big new step in grandiose art presentations, but in the end, it should be Hirst to up the ante."
Directions:  On a piece of thumbail sketch paper, create a sketch inspired by this sculpture created by Damien Hirst.  Remember that a thumbnail sketch should only take three minutes.  This will be your ticket out.


Week 20
Monday:  Class Dojo-Mojo Meets the Beast
Tuesday:  Scholastic Art-Brick By Brick
Wednesday:  Vocabulary

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