Wednesday, September 21, 2016

CDE Visual Art 6th Grade 1-3-A

Observe and Learn to Comprehend

2.  Specific art vocabulary is used to describe, analyze, and interpret works of art

Describe the characteristics and expressive features of art and design in selected works of art

Objective:  Students will create sketches based on the work of Banjo and identify the Elements of Art and Principles of Design that make his artwork effective.


Draw three sketches inspired by the work of Banjo.  Make a list of five Elements of Art or Principles of Design that you think Banjo uses to create successful artwork.  You should use your vocabulary card ring to help you complete this activity.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

CDE Visual Art 6th Grade 1-2-D

Observe and Learn to Comprehend

2.  Art created across time and cultures can exhibit stylistic differences and commonalities

Analyze responses to works of art in terms of historical, cultural, and visual meaning

Objective:  Students will analyze the work of Adam Birkan to determine how photography creates historical context.


Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, what do the photographs of Adam Birkan tell us about the history of Hanoi Vietnam.

Monday, September 12, 2016

CDE Visual Art 6th Grade 4-3-C

Relate and Connect to Transfer

3.  Eco-art is a contemporary response to environmental issues

Discuss the motivation for works of art such as those by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Goldsworthy, and Smithson who use ntaural materials, the natural environment and earthscapes (DOK 1-3_

Objective:  Students will evaluate the artwork of Christo and audience experience.


Read the attached article. Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, explain what you think the people that visit this exhibit experience.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Warmup Curriculum Map

I've attached the curriculum map I use to track standard alignment for my warmups.  You may or may not be required to turn this type of document in to your administration.  Please feel free to copy mine and alter for your own purposes if you are using my warmup in your classroom.

CDE Visual Art 6th Grade 1-2-C

Observe and Learn to Comprehend

2.  Art crated across time and cultures can exhibit stylistic differences and commonalities.

Compare and contrast works of art from various historical periods and world cultures by their components of style and design (DOK 2-4)

Objective:  Students will place portraits on a historical timeline to understand the evolution of portraiture through art history.


In your sketchbook, create a timeline and lite the order in history you thin the above portraits are created.

Images, Answer Key, and Video:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Design Bootcamp

You've probably noticed that I have not posted a warmup for each day that we have had school.  The primary lesson for the 1st three weeks of each course are a unit titled "Design Bootcamp".  We discuss the Elements of Art and Principles of Design in a focused and intensive structure.  This allows me to address these concepts in a succinct manner and provide students with the needed vocabulary to write, talk, and think artistically.  Students complete definitions, visual examples, and exercises focused on this subject.  I frequently post their definitions as a warmup during this time frame to expediate completion of this activity.  I've attached my Google Slide presentation I use to guide us through this process.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


I don't connect portfolios to a specific standard but feel that they are integral to elective education and should be used in all classes for students to demonstrate growth and to create a sense of pride in personal accomplishment.  As a warmup, at the end of the 3rd week in my visual art classes we create physical portfolios.  My students create digital portfolios to accompany that during the 4th week.  I have outlined my process for these two components of my course.

Physical Portfolios

I start this process by sharing a portfolio of my own from college that includes a grade and review by my instructor.  It's an opportunity to talk about growth, explain the purpose of a portfolio in educational settings, and discuss what an "A" artwork looks like. 

Students then make their own portfolios with poster board and tape.  I've tried some other processes to store and maintain student work over the course of a class and this is just the cheapest and most functional.  2 pieces of poster board are required as supplies for my class.  I provide the tape for students.

Students store their portfolios in my classroom for the entire course.  At the end of the course the portfolio is 2, 100 point, grades.   One grade, the portfolio must be present and complete.  2nd, students take their portfolios home and parents/guardians must sign a slip stating that they have seen and reviewed the contents with their student.

Digital Portfolios

I use Artsonia as our digital portfolio tool.

Here's Vineland Middle School's gallery.

It's free, involves parents, and can act as a fundraising tool.  Parents can order merchandise with their student's artwork on it.  I don't push this but usually end up with $75-$200 a year for art supplies.

Keep in mind, the digital portfolio is great artifact. for your evaluation to address contemporary practices and community involvement.