Thursday, August 31, 2017


Week 3-Thursday

Standard 1.  Empowered Learner-Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

D Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

Objective:  Students will work in pairs to identify troubleshooting solutions they can implement if they are having trouble logging on to a computer.


List three things you could do if your computer is not working when you first come into class.  These are actual troubleshooting solutions, not requesting help from the instructor.  You can use your peers to come up with ideas.  This is your ticket out. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

CDE Visual Art 7th Grade 4-1-A

Week 3-Thursday

Standard 4. Relate and Connect to Transfer

1.  Critical thinking in the arts transfers to multiple lifelong endeavors.

A.  Compare and contrast how art is incorporated into contemporary careers

Objective:  Students will identify careers that require artistic skills.

“The majority of the images have been captured in the American Southwest. I have completed Route 66 eight times within the last three years. The care that goes in to preserving its history is endearing. Many businesses rely on bright colors and neon signs in order to attract drivers, especially since the route is no longer the most utilized highway.  I’m constantly hunting for that kitsch. I prefer to take these trips solo, so I can stop anywhere at anytime. There are towns that I may linger in for a week, waiting for the right weather or ideal shooting conditions. It’s important to honor the magnetism of each location – this calls for either quick action or a lot of patience.” -Haley Eichenbaum

Haley Eichenbaum is a digital photographer.  On a piece of scratch paper, list 5 jobs that would use digital photography.  Make sure your first and last name are in the upper right hand corner.  This will be your ticket out.


Additional Resources


Week 3-Wednesday

Week 3-Vocabulary-Write each posted vocabulary term on a single index card and then place in the noted section of your vocabulary card ring.

6th/7th/8th Grade Visual Art-Content 
  •  Value-The lightness of darkness of a color
  • Hue-Color;The visual sensation created by specific parts of the visible spectrum, enabling us to label it, for example, as red or blue
  • Intensity-Brightness of a color
Design and Modeling-Math
  • Accuracy-The condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact; precision;exactness.  The degree of correctness of a quality or expression
  • Orthographic projection-A method of representing three-dimensional objects on a plane having only length and breadth
Scalable Game Design-Content
  • Generate-An agent creates a new agent that moves away
  • Hill Climbing-An agent will look at neighboring values and move toward the one with the largest value
Link to slides with vocabulary:


Week 3-Tuesday

Standard 6 Global Collaborator-Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

D-Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.

Objective:  Students will investigate solutions to global issues and identify the primary benefits of the solutions.


Read the attached article.  Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, describe a major benefit of the process described in the article.

CDE Visual Art 7th Grade 1-2-C

Week 3-Tuesday

Standard 4.  Observe and Learn to Comprehend

2.  Understanding works of art involved knowledge of historical and cultural styles, genre, and artists over time

B. Interpret and demonstrate how works of art synthesize historical and cultural meaning

Objective:  Students will evaluate the role of an artist as activist and determine how this has historical and cultural meaning.


Read the attached article.  Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, explain what you think censorship is.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Character Development-The Power of Yet

Week 3-Monday

ClassDojo Growth Mindset-The Power of Yet

I'm encouraging student to think about what they can do if they get stuck on a project, assignment, or problem.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Week 2-Wednesday

Week 2-Vocabulary-Write each posted vocabulary term on a single index card and then place in the noted section of your vocabulary card ring.

6th/7th/8th Grade Visual Art-Content
  • Collaboration-The action of working with someone to produce or create something
  • Craftsmanship-The quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry
Design and Modeling-Math
  • Fraction-A number of the form used to describe parts of a whole or a set
  • Scale-In a scale drawing, a key that tells how the drawing's dimension and the actual dimension are related
Scalable Game Design-Content
  • Collision-An event in which two agents run into each other
  • Diffusion-An agent is assigned a linear equation that will continuously run through the simulation
Link to slides with vocabulary:

Monday, August 21, 2017


Week 2-Tuesday

Standard 3-Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

C-Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections of conclusions

Objective:  Students will create connections between content areas and current events.


Read the attached article.  Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, explain how the subject of the article relates to current events.

CDE Visual Art 7th Grade 4-2-B

Week 2-Tuesday

Standard 4. Relate and Connect to Transfer

2.  The visual arts community messages its cultural traditions and events

B- Discuss how art is an integral part of community culture and events

Objective: Students will assess the presence of street art and their community and determine how it affects the community and their own perception of art.


Read the attached article.  Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, do you think street art is offensive.  Make sure that you answer defends your opinion.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Collaboration and Craftsmanship

I'm starting all of my Visual Art classes with an oldie but goodie.  We're going to start with the recreation of famous works by working as a whole.  I like to use this time to talk about collaboration and craftsmanship.  Feel free to use my slides!

Character Development-The Magic of Mistakes

Week 2-Monday

ClassDojo Growth Mindset-The Magic of Mistakes

As were going to get started with "making" in all of my classes it's great to talk about mistake, how to handle them, and how to use them as a growing opportunity.