Thursday, January 18, 2018

Week 20-Erik Jones-Visual Art CDE

Week 20

Thursday-7th Grade Standard 3.  Invent and Discover to Create

2.  Restructure and apply the technical skills and processes required to achieve desired results in producing works or art

B.  Demonstrate and apply perceptual skills to create works or art

Objective:  Students will use the work of Erik Jones as inspiration when creating shapes.

"Jone's work has been bordering on abstraction for years, with peeks and subtle figurative faces and body parts emerging from rainbow-fog psychedelia.  This recent body of work places th female nudes directly inside the bright haze, as if appearing from a dream or drug trip.  They seem to interact and react to the color abstraction on each canvas, feeling extremely cohesive in  in presentation.  As the gallery notes, "The juxtaposition of abstraction and hyperrealism in Armor fosters tension between teh familiar and the fantastical.  This feeling is heightened in a selection of work where subjects are no longer submerged but instead become one with the artist's surreal interventions.  Anatomical parts have evolved into semi-recognizable amalgams of bright colors, reminiscent of Matisse and his interpretation of the female form, and are indicative of a new direction in Jones' iconic style."
Directions:  On a piece of thumbail sketch paper, create a sketch inspired by this sculpture created by Damien Hirst.  Remember that a thumbnail sketch should only take three minutes.  This will be your ticket out.


Week 20
Monday:  Class Dojo-Mindful Breathing
Tuesday:  Scholastic Art-Lantern Illuminate Philadelphia
Wednesday:  Vocabulary

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