Week 22
Thursday-7th Grade Standard 4. Relate and Connect to Transfer
2. The visual arts community messages its cultural traditions and events
A. Design and create works of art using images and words that illustrate personal community or culture
Objective: Students will review artwork in an effort to interpret artist intention in the artwork of David Shrigley.
A. Design and create works of art using images and words that illustrate personal community or culture
Objective: Students will review artwork in an effort to interpret artist intention in the artwork of David Shrigley.
"David Shrigley's work is simple but it carries big ideas." -Juxtapoz
http://davidshrigley.com/category/drawing-painting/"David Shrigley's work is simple but it carries big ideas." -Juxtapoz
Review the following images by David Shrigley. On a piece of sketch paper, using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, explain why you think he uses written words in his artwork.
Week 20
Monday: Gratitude Headspace
Tuesday: Colors in Nature- https://www.tweentribune.com/article/tween56/how-peacock-spiders-make-rainbows-their-backsides/
Wednesday: Vocabulary