Week 11-Thursday
Standard 1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
3. Knowledge of art vocabulary is important when critically analyzing works of arts
A. Employ appropriate vocabulary for art categories such as realistic, abstract, non-objective, conceptual, and other genres (DOK1)
Objective: Students will review the work of Matthew Paladino and determine the use of the term conceptual to describe artwork.
“The darker content is usually influenced by a mix of current and historical events. I don't start with the mindset that I'm going to make a piece dark. I think it all gets consumed then expelled through the work. In an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of people, I try to observe their actions at their worst as well as their best. There are hard truths in there. I feel myself having to sit with it a while, trying to put myself in the mind of the offender and the victim. But if you spend too much time there, it starts to eat away at you. So then I try to untangle it from my consciousness, which making art helps to do. The darker stuff I try to be careful with, especially when dealing in real life events. My hope is I’m respectful when going down these ugly rabbit holes. They’re not my stories, and these things really happened to people, so I try not to get too emotionally self indulgent or fetishistic. But something about it draws me in, and that’s the cycle that ensues.” -Matthew Palladino, Interview by Gabe Scott, Juxtapoz
Conceptual-relating to or based on mental concepts
Review the artwork of Matthew Palladino, the posted quote from an interview with him, and the definition for the word conceptual. Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, explain what you think it means for artwork to be conceptual.