Friday, July 14, 2017


Week 1-Thursday

Standard 2. Digital Citizen-Students recognize, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are sage, legal, and ethical.

D Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online.

Objective:  Students will evaluate contemporary inventions and innovations and their impact on the world.


Using numbers, symbols and mix of upper and lower case letters in your password makes it harder for someone to guess your password.  For example, an eight-character password with numbers, symbols and mixed-case letters is harder to guess because it has 30,000 times as many possible combinations than an eight-character password with only lower cast letters. -Google Account Help

On a piece of scratch paper, create a possible password following the above advice.  This will be your Ticket Out.


CDE Visual Art 7th Grade 4-1-B

Week 1-Thursday

Standard 2. Envision and Critique

1.  Visual literacy skills are used to create meaning from a variety of information

B. Discuss and debate the concepts and skills required to invent new ideas and applications

Objective:  Students will identify concepts and skills needed by artists to be successful.


"I never too anything for granted, and I still never take anything for granted today.  When I'm presented with an opportunity, it doesn't matter how big or small, if I can do it, I'll do it.  You can ask my wife-Quinn never complains.  Quinn just get it done.  And I've always been that way.  I had no choice.  I had nowhere to go.  If I failed,I'd be on the street, homeless.  I had no family.  It was all on me.  Who was I gonna complain to?" -Nathaniel Mary Quinn

 Nathaniel Mary Quinn's practices as an artist have been inspired by his life experiences.  ON a scratch sheet of paper, list 10 personality traits or personal characteristics that an artist would be needed to be a successful artist.  This activity will be your ticket out of class today.


Additional Resources

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Week 1-Wednesday

Week 1-Vocabulary-Write each posted vocabulary term on a single index card and then place in the noted section of your vocabulary card ring.

6th/7th/8th Grade Visual Art-Critique
  • Describe-To tell someone the appearance, sound, smell, events, etc.
Design and Modeling-Content
  • Innovation-An improvement of an existing technological product, system, or method of doing something
  • Invention-A new product system, or a process that has never existed before, created by study
Scalable Game Design-Content
  • Absorb-An agent absorbs or erases a stream of other agents
  • Collaborative diffusion-An agent becomes an anti-object and becomes the computationally active part distributing AI into the environment

Link to slides with vocabulary:


Week 1-Tuesday

Standard 3. Knowledge Constructor-Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

D Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answer and solutions.

Objective:  Students will evaluate contemporary inventions and innovations and their impact on the world.


Read the attached article.  Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, describe the invention discussed in the article to include it's purpose and how it was created.

CDE Visual Art 7th Grade 4-1-B

Week 1-Tuesday

Standard 4.  Relate and Connect to Transfer

1.  Critical thinking in the arts transfers to multiple uses in life

B. Recognize and articulate how artists and designers use critical thinking skills in the community

Objective:  Students will evaluate the role of the curator and determine how they use critical thinking to reach their professional goals.


Read the attached article.  Using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer, describe Monica Johnson's job as a curator.

Character Development-Growth Mindset

Week 1-Monday

ClassDojo Growth Mindset-Your brain is like a muscle.

This is a great first video of the semester.  The activity comes with a video and follow up questions.  Students will be doing a Ticket Out to answer, "Do you think Mojo can become smarter?  Why or why not?"  I like to keep written responses short and have students stick to three sentences.  I'm looking forward to sharing a few responses.

2017-2018 School Year Warmups

I'll be following a set weekly timeline for my warmups this year in all the courses I teach.

Monday-ClassDojo-ClassDojo has awesome character development videos and activities that run approximately 5 minutes.  I think that it will help the culture in my classroom to spend a little time each week thinking about the "big ideas".  The subjects include; growth mindset, perseverance, empathy, gratitude, and mindfulness.

Tuesday-Google Classroom-Students will continue to read content specific material once a week and respond with a short answer. 

Wednesday-Vocabulary-I need to find a set time for students to increase their ability to read and speak in the content.

Thursday-Custom-This will be my typical, self-developed, standard-aligned, warmups.

I think a set routine will help students maintain focus and productivity.

Responsible Cell Phone Use

The subject of cell phone use in the classroom has been nagging at the back of my mind for awhile.  I feel strongly that cell phones can be resources and we need to train students to use them as tools and not just fancy bricks that let them see Facebook.  A student's personal device can be more powerful than the technology available in the school.  I've spent some time, did some research, and collaborated with some peers to come up with a cell phone policy that I think will change how my students use their phones and increase productivity in my classroom.  Feel free to steal, reuse, change to suit your needs.

Classroom Cellphone Policy

  1. Cell phones must be visible on your work area or on my desk at all times. (It's when students have their cell phones under their desk or when they are trying to 'sneak' them that they are more likely to use them for inappropriate things.  Keeping them in sight increases accountability.)
  2. Cell phones don't leave the classroom. (One of the biggest concerns is inappropriate photographs/videos.  I'm more concerned about students keeping their cellphones in their pockets and then using them when they use the pass to go to the bathroom.  This is the most likely time for unsupervised use and this rule eliminates that possibility.)
  3. Cell phone off and down when someone is presenting. (When anyone is presenting, you don't have it out.  Good practice for users of all ages.)
  4. Instructor can check your phone at any time. (I want students to have a level of privacy but they can't assume that in the classroom.  I don't plan on checking phones on a regular basis but they need to be prepared for questions.  I think this really just boils down to being present in the classroom.  Moving around, talking to students, being aware of what's going on.)
  5. No internet access...cell data only.  (This can't be a policy change that could effect the bandwidth in our building.)
Fell free to use your cellphone for... (If a students wants to check their grades, take a picture of notes, or put deadlines in a calendar, I don't want them to ask me, I want them to do it.  If students ask permission for every task it would consumer mass amounts of class-time.)
  • Calendars
  • Note taking
  • Project research
  • Google Classroom
  • PowerSchool
  • Other use with permission
You cannot use your cell phone for...(Pretty straight forward.  Students really need to learn what, when, and where when it comes to cell phones.)
  • Any social media
  • Any teacting
  • Phone calls without permission
  • Pictures or videos of anyone
If we have issues you will...(I wanted to progress with the outcomes because the goal of this policy isn't just to increase student access to technology but help them learn responsible use.  If I don't give them a chance to redirect their actions their skills won't improve.)
  1. Lose cell phone use for 1 week and phone call home.
  2. Lose cell phone use for 3 weeks and phone call home.
  3. All cell pone privileges revoked for remainder of the course.
*Most important to remember...cell phone usage is a privilege not a right.  (Instructor will not use any class time for problems you might have with your phone.)

Who knows...this might be awesome, or a disaster.  I will definitely do a follow up post as I implement this policy in my classroom.

Planning start before the summer ends...

I'm back to planning and posting well before I head back to the classroom.  Look forward to new videos, resources, and ideas.